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A world news website, featuring latest breaking world news and trends,
with a predictive element, that point to Tomorrow's news.
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About is a News Site featuring news from around the world that contains a predictive element.

All our Reporters and Contributors submit up-to-the-minute articles and content that demonstrate trends and conclusions that point toward a future outcome.

This discipline keeps our content at the cutting edge of news delivery across all categories of Social, Economic and Political interest.

It also creates a fascinating archive to refer back and determine how accurately we read the runes.  So an article submitted today would still have relevance six months from now and updates on the same subject would either confirm or deny the outcome that was originally predicted.

This keeps our readers hooked as they love to be kept updated on all our on-going stories.

All our Contributors are free-lance reporters, writers and authors from around the world and their perspective and fact-based journalism is what makes this Site so popular.

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